Anxiety & Stress Herbal Tincture

Anxiety & Stress Herbal Tincture. 2 oz. 100% pure herbal formula.


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Anxiety & Stress Herbal Tincture

This anxiety and stress herbal tincture is made from high quality herbs and ingredients — some of which may have grown in my garden! If you are suffering from anxiety and going through a lot of stressful times, this tincture is for you! This tincture calms the nerves and soothes gently, providing a decrease in anxiety and promoting calm feelings naturally.

Valerian: Valerian is a mild sedative and sleep-promoting agent that is often used as a milder alternative or a possible substitute for stronger synthetic sedatives, such as benzodiazepines, in the treatment of states of nervous and anxiety induced sleep disturbances. The current indication for Valerian is for restlessness, insomnia, nervousness and tension

Lemon Balm: Nervine: acts on the nerves. Sedative: calming agent. Mild Antidepressant: relieves feelings of depression. Mild Antispasmodic: reduces voluntary or involuntary muscle spasm. Carminative: gently calms the nerves. Diaphoretic: Induces perspiration. Lemon balm is a relaxing diaphoretic as opposed to a stimulating diaphoretic.

St. John’s Wort: This herb comes to the rescue for raw nerves and wounds of flesh. It calms anxiety, melancholy and tension of the mind, nerves and body, as well as menopausal irritability. Externally, its antiseptic astringency aids healing of flesh wounds like sores, cuts, bruises, burns, hemorrhoids & varicose veins, and helps to calm swelling, stop bleeding & prevent infection, especially with weak immunity. It is also useful externally for sciatica, arthritis, spine ailments & fybromyalgia – anything ‘nervy’.

Ginkgo: Promotes blood flow to the brain to improve memory and concentration, cognitive & brain function. In managing Alzheimer’s can serve to enhance cerebral circulation, promote memory and cognition, act as an anti-coagulant and anti-oxidant. It’s strong antioxidant effects can increase energy and be used in allergic inflammatory reactions

Skullcap: A generalist herb useful for a number of nervous system related problems; nerve tonic and pain remedy. Both skeletal and muscle relaxant. It is a relaxing sedative generally without the knock-you-out effect, making it useful for daytime use. This works well in formulas with other nervines and relaxants.

Hops: The main internal indications for Hops are sleeplessness from worry and anxiety, nervous gastropathies. Phytoestrogens have an anti-androgen effect in men to reduce sexual overexcitement (i.e. premature ejaculation). Can be used for restlessness associated with nervous tension and headache and/or indigestion. Great for restful sleep and restless leg syndrome.

Passionflower: Passionflower is commonly utilized to respond to insomnia, aiding transition into a natural sleep without any “narcotic” hangover. Passionflower works directly on the central nervous system to help lull us to sleep. It is important to note that Passionflower will not force sleep, but rather supports normal sleep that may have been disrupted by stress, muscle spasms, etc.

Herbal tinctures as medicine

Why are tinctures a preferred method of taking herbs? Because tinctures are potent! You don’t waste your money on pills that have been in the manufacturing process for months / years and lose potency! With an alcohol base, the tinctures pull out all the medicinal benefits of the plant, and preserve them naturally for you! They don’t lose potency over time.

With that being said, they are in a non-gmo vodka base. Which is fine for most people. But some people prefer to avoid alcohol in all forms. (even by avoiding real vanilla extract) and we support that choice. These tinctures aren’t for those people. Because of the potential for bacteria to reside in glycerine tinctures, we have decided to only do vodka based tinctures.

INGREDIENTS:  Valerian, Lemon Balm, St. John’s Wort, Ginkgo, Skullcap, Hops, Passionflower and Vodka

DIRECTIONS: Take 20-30 drops 2-3x per day as needed, in juice or tea.

These statements have not been evaluated by the FDA. This product is not intended to diagnose, prevent, treat or cure any disease. If you are pregnant or nursing, or have any health conditions, please consult a doctor before use.